January 2023 – Gaura

KINGDOM:  Plantae

ORDER:  Myrtales

FAMILY:  Onagraceae

TRIBE:  Onagreae

GENUS:  Gaura


About This Plant:

Gaura is native to North America but really thrives here on the Coffs Coast. The genus is commonly known as Butterfly Bush, I guess due to both their appearance and as butterfly attractant plants.

They are annual, biennial or perennial herbaceous plants, most though are perennials with quite sturdy rhizomes, often forming into dense clumps. So once you have Gaura in your garden, it is most likely it will increase and cover quite a large area.

Gaura can grow up to 1.2m tall, it loves sun, good drainage and is best given a decent cut (hack) back to really make it flourish.

It dies down during our winter then starts to send up the new shoots in early spring. When the shoots reach around 30cm tall, cut them back by half – this will create a more compact, stronger and self-supporting plant.


Gaura plants start flowering in early summer and continue right through to autumn, when it’s time to cut the stems back to just above the ground. Interestingly, Gaura was declared a noxious weed in Australia some years ago, but this has since been rescinded.

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