October 2022 – Sedum

KINGDOM:  Plantae  

FAMILY:  Crassuluceae

TRIBE:  Sedeae

GENUS:  Sedum

A large group of flowering plants with members commonly known as stonecrops. The genus contains up to 500 species. They are leaf succulents found primarily in the Northern Hemisphere and vary from annual and creeping herbs to upright shrubs. The plants have storing leaves with flowers usually with five petals interestingly there are typically twice as many stamens as petals.

Sedums will enjoy part sun to full sun and with creeping types they are worthwhile ground covers as wherever they touch ground they root quite easily.

There is a rainbow of colours to choose from and foliage ranges from needle-like to broad, rounded, paddle-like leaves. 

As pollinator plants they are absolutely awesome, bees and butterflies just love them so are perfect to attract pollinators to your garden. 

Further info can be seen at this Gardening Australia item.

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