Up, up and away… airport gardening resumes

Team Leader Peter Kimber was pleased we were able to tend the airside gardens once again. Due to COVID restrictions we haven’t been able to continue with this Community involvement since early this year. It was a top day in Coffs Harbour for gardening and the small band of Coffs Garden Club members were delighted […]

August 2020 – Kangaroo Paw

Kangaroo Paw (Haemodoraceae) Kingdom:  Plantae Family:  Haemodoraceae Genus:  Anigozanthos The Kangaroo Paw flowers are pollinated by birds. The long flower-stalks usually rise above the undergrowth and ‘advertise’ the presence of nectar in the flowers. The stalks also provide a perch for visiting birds.  The shape of the flowers and the position of the pollen-bearing anthers […]