Assassin Bug

Assassin bugs get their name from their predatory habits. Gardeners consider them beneficial insects, because their voracious appetites for other bugs keeps pests under control.



They are also known as Bee-killers because one of their favourite prey is the honey bee – actually they will feed on any insects that they can catch!


All assassin bugs have a long head with powerful proboscis (an elongated sucking mouthpart that is typically tubular and flexible) for puncturing their prey.

Their legs are long so that they have long attack distance.  



Adult bugs are brown in colour with transparent wings. Nymphs are black with brightly orange abdomens.


Females lay clusters of long red eggs. Nymphs pass through five growth stages to become an adult bug. The nymphs look similar to the adult except it is small and wingless. Later they will have wing buds but still cannot fly. 




When threatened, assassin bugs may inflict a painful bite, so be careful handling them.

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